The Quinta works towards a sustainable development of the rural area through coordinated actions in agriculture and environmental protection, such as:
- A practical implementation of integrated technological, ecological and economical concepts
- The development, application and transfer of innovation to the production phase, while protecting resources at the same time
- Testing of traditional and new cultures for the intensification and diversification of the organic farming
- Landscape protection through mitigation measures for erosion and the promotion of agricultural and forest areas in the Mediterranean mountain regions and coastal areas.
- Demonstration of drought resistant trees and vegetation for educational and consultancy purposes
- Promotion of Ecotourism as an additional income for agricultural farms.
The organic farming covers mainly fruit orchids, with dry cultures - almonds, figs, olives and carobtrees and several irrigated cultures such as citrus
fruits (orange, clementine, mandarin, lemon and grapefruit) and a variety of exotic fruit trees, At present, around 50 different fruits varieties can be
found at the Quinta da Figueirinha and direct surroundings. The traditional Olive and Carobtrees – the oldest tree is around 800 years old – have been
well protected and integrated in the development.